Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fall is here and I’ve officially started baking and perfecting recipes.
Last year I made these cookies but I decided to make my recipes ‘healthier’ by using natural sweetener, non-white flower and natural oils instead of vegan margarines.

They are very fluffy and soft cookies but they may have needed some extra moisture. I’m making another run of these this week and hopefully, I’ll have finished my first official cookie recipe. YAY!

Other than baking my weekend was full of unpacking, a trip to ikea and just hanging out with friends eating the cookies I made.

Hope everyone’s week is starting off well!


1 comment:

aTxVegn said...

You are really doing some good cooking! I'm going to come back and spend some more time here and get caught up with you. I saw that you went to MT. I'm long overdue for a shopping trip there. It's only 5 minutes from my house!