Raspberries probably originated in Eastern Asia and they were used as a cure for sore eyes and throats and to cleanse the teeth.
Part of the Rose Family
Raspberries are the most fragile berry
This berry comes in many colors
The two main colors are Black (aka black cap) and Red

Golden- this is a type of Mutant red raspberry

Purple - a cross between the black and red raspberries
How to choose
Raspberries, unlike strawberries, should not have a core (or hull) in them. If your raspberry has a core, it was picked too early and is likely to be very tart.
Black and Purple Raspberries are available July into August.
Raspberries can be grown from the Arctic to the equator. (source)
Half to one pound of raspberry fruit per day can provide twenty to thirty grams of fiber which is adequate for an adult daily nutrition requirement. (source)
awesome facts. we went to the berry ranch yesterday (a local farm) and picked up some raspberries. they are amazing.
i'm NOT a fruit eater but i love berries...(except straw) but raspberries are my fav....
i adore these beautiful little guys.
Lovely post as always, Teddy! Hope you are having a great week!!
These are my oldest son's favorite fruit ever. He would eat them over chocolate.
I make him shakes out of soymilk, frozen bananas, pineapple and raspberries... but his favorite thing is to eat them fresh.
raspberries can grow in the Artic? Wild! Raspberry jam is my fav kind of jam...I love all the seeds.
Yummmmmmy, I absolutely LOVE raspberries!!! thanks for sharing, great photos.
Huggs, G
Ohh, I love fresh picked raspberries. My grandmother grows them in Michigan, and when we visted when I was a kid, we picked them, then cleaned them, then ate them with cream for breakfast. (Obviously, pre-vegan days).
Great post. Thanks :)
I just came home from the market with fresh raspberries... YUM I buy them frozen when they are not in season...
great advice on how to buy raspberries, thanks Teddy!
cool! I am used some of these on my fruit project and I got an A!
wow i love raspberries!!!!
Great facts guys...keep them coming :D
x x x
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