I've been doing practically NO cooking (actually NO-thing) this weekend. Why?
I had a bit of a "mishap" on Friday night. I refrain from saying full out accident because that conjures images of crunched cars, ambulances, police reports and such.
What exactly happened? I'm going to tell this story without naming names or getting anyone in trouble. Here we go, while hanging out with some friends on Friday night someone got the genius idea to lift me up and spin me around. After a few spins around, this person lost their balance, fell and dropped me. I happened to land directly on my face. OUCH... The days since have been filled with rest, ice packs, movie watching and little movement. Cara has brought me a bunch of food and neosporin.
I'm feeling MUCH better today but not to 100% yet. Work is letting me remote in from home for a few days and I very much appreciate that.
This is how I look today:

I've started cooking again today but not taking pics. Now that I'm cooking again any suggestions for healing foods?
I had millet, aduki and squash today that was very satisfying. Plus I've had a strong urge to bake cookies because it's therapeutic to me. Baking will ALWAYS = love haha
Hope everyone had a good weekend, be seeing you soon.
Ouch that looks really sore, hope you feel better soon
Oh Teddy - I hope everything heals up very quickly. Hopefully you're already starting to look back and laugh at this :)
oh no!! bad accident, but i'm glad you weren't in a car crash or anything.
Oye that does not look good. My friend Katie got hit by a car on Friday while she was on her bike and looks similar. Poor babies! I hope you continue to improve every day, Teddy!
Oh, no!!! You poor poor thing. Take it easy and keep healing. Sounds like you are making a quick recovery.
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