Thursday, October 09, 2008

Recipe Demo: Enchiladas Potosinas

One of the requirements to graduate school is to do a 1/2 an hour demo of your own macrobiotic recipe. These demos are open to the public and everyone in the audience is part of the grading process. The best part is that once the recipe has been demonstrated, there is a tasting portion as well.

These enchilada potosinas turned out so colorful, vibrant and flavorful. Did I mention that everyone who attends gets to keep the recipe too?! You can have a go at making what these soon-to-be macrobiotic chefs are inventing. It's all very exciting to me and I feel fortunate to be able to attend.

Unpacking is taking longer than I hoped because of school events and the need to buy supplies. I realized last night I don't have a can opener! Of course, I only noticed after I started to prepare a meal that required on canned item. Well that was certainly annoying. Although I'm not a big fan of lists I think they help when you have tons to do.
Therefore, Teddy's to-do list tonight:
unpack at least 2 boxes
make new dinner recipe

That should be enough to keep me busy. See you guys soon!


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