One whole can of organic pumpkin puree is A LOT for one person and I had never realized this until this week. I made cookies earlier this week. Well, I definitely still had ¾ of the can left over. Therefore soup is going to be on this pumpkin-week menu as well. Normally when I make any hard squash soup I like it curry flavored and creamy. Now that I’m getting further into school with the Natural Epicurean, I want to push myself to redesign what my “normal” is so this is an attempt at a completely new soup for me.
I’ve yet to get the hang of this whole measuring thing so I can only give you estimates of what I used. Depending on whether you want a thick/thin soup add water and soy milk accordingly. Also, since the pumpkin is already pureed this recipe is quick and painless:
¾-1 cup organic pureed pumpkin
½ cup water
½-1 cup soy milk
½ an onion (finely diced)
1 small carrot (finely diced)
Pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon to taste
To top it off
Pan roasted pumpkin and sesame seeds (note- must be roasted separately)
On medium-high heat sauté the carrot and onion in some olive oil until the onion becomes translucent. Add the pumpkin puree mix with the onion and carrot. Stir in the water then soy milk until it becomes absorbed and the dish begins to look soup-like. Add more or less soy milk until your reach your desired consistency. Reduce heat to medium-low and begin to add your spices to taste. Bring the soup to a light simmer and remove from heat to enjoy.
Feel free to get creative with the spices!
I like the texture and bite that the carrot and seeds give this dish. I ended up eating this thick soup with brown rice stirred in- a very heavy filling meal but now that it’s winter and rainy here I loved it. Yep this recipe needs a bit of work- mostly me remembering to measure things ;)
And I still have a little bit more pumkin left so I'm going to finish/fine tune the pumkpin chocolate chip cookies sometime over the next few days.
Looks delicious. We only have pumpkin in our house at hollween when we make our lanterns usually we just throw the middle bits away but this year I am going to put it ot good use and make your soup (or attempt to)
Mmm, sounds good & easy to make!
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