Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin Chocolate Muffins

Vegan pumpkin and semi sweet chocolate muffins

I've been yearning to get into the fall spirit but mother nature seems to be fighting me on this one. It's been in the high 80's here in southern California and I'm sure everyone's heard about our fires. There's one fire only about 10-15 miles from here but I'm confident it won't reach my home. So far everyone I know is safe and let's hope it stays that way.
There's a TON of California "snow" accumulating and it's pretty smoky out but it's probably worse in San Diego. Hope everyone is okay down there!

On a lighter note :)...

Before this heat wave and fire fiasco arose I prepared myself a whole pumpkin for my annual fall baking.
Above is my first pumpkin creation. Last year I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies quite a bit and this year I wanted to lighten them up a bit for a muffin recipe.
I shared these with some friends and only ate one myself- note to self make more of these soon. I've already had requests at work haha

Stay safe,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote on you making them for me today! hahaha. jk.

but they were VERY tasty. I want them everyday. :-)