Saturday, March 17, 2007

Greens on St Patty's Day

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

We went out last night to an Irish pub. We sang, had a few drinks and watched some bag pipers play! It seemed like such a festive night that I don't feel a need to do it all again tonight ;)

My mini "green" celebration today consisted of a mixed greens salad with green bell peppers (I stopped by Trader Joe's and picked it up there).

I hope everyone has a safe and fun St. Patty's!



Candi said...

Glad you had a good time!! Singing? Oooh, too bad you can't add a video here for us! Lol!

Hope you had a good St. Pat's Day!

KleoPatra said...

Go Green!!! I love a little bit of the bagpipe music, Teddy. That must have been fun!