I hate to admit it but I've never made any sort of bean from scratch before. I just use canned because it's faster and easier. Last night I decided to change that.
First off, I wasn't certain of how to cook them. I ended up throwing a cup of beans into a pot with 2 cups of water, some oil and a handful of spices. I let them boil for 2 hours and added more water a couple of times. Not to toot my own horn but DANG these beans are good!
Burritos for lunch for all!! :)
Good for you! I love it when you try something for the first time and it is a big hit!
i LOVE pinto beans!!! much more than black beans. they are especially good refried. :)
Yum!! I have to admit that I just buy the canned ones. (organic, and then rinsed lots!) I wish I had a pressure cooker for fool proof beans! Good job on yours - they look great!
really? it's a different flavor?
hmm...i always use can too. my girlfriend called me one time and asked why she had to soak the beans over night...long story short; she was using canned. dummy.
Funny how something as simple as beans can take on a whole new meaning when you cook them differently. I used to buy canned beans too, but I've started cooking them in my pressure cooker because I hate carrying heavy cans home from the grocery store.
Bravo for diving into the bean world! two words of advice though....preasure cooker!!! it is such a time saver! I often cook batches of beans then freeze them. You can often find dried ORGANIC beans in any bulk section of your grocery store... that way you always have a supply of beans on hand.. and an added bonus.. less recycling of those pesky cans!
Mmmm, I love me a bowl of simply cooked beans. I've been pressure cooking beans lately, as it saves time. I'm back in the blogging world, and boy have I missed it!
Happy New Year. :)
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