Can't have all those spices without a spice grinder! (and a microplane as well)

A creme brulee set with ramicans and a torch. Silicone muffin liners

Be prepared for cupcake posts!!

Cara made me cupcakes- aren't theses the coolest holders you've ever seen?

AND ... this new knife. I now have a quality knife in my kitchen :)
Unpictured items include:
An atomic clock that also telling the temperature (it's pretty neat!)
A corningware bake set
Colapsable tupperware
Air tight tupperware.
What a bountiful birthday. Thank you for all your well wishing!
Happy Belated Birthday, Girl!!!
Wow, it looks like you hit the jackpot. I'm sooo jealous!!
I love my microplane. That is really a cut cupcake holder! I really like that knife too!!
Oh!! Looks like an early Christmas! Lol! I love all the gifts you got. The spice grinder is great!! I'm glad you have the cupcake book now too.
Your friend is so sweet to make you starry cupcakes!!!
Hope you had a great birthday! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEDDY!! What awesome gifts. Your parents (and Cara) are the best. Can't wait to see your posts of what you made using your new toys.
what a lucky girl:)
Wow, happy birthday part 2 is right!!! What a spread here. The creme brule torch is awesome! And what a great gift to receive such a good knife (I want/need one).
I can't wait to see what you are doing with all of this. You must be one happy birthday girl!!!
Happy belated birthday Teddy! What an awesome bunch of gifts. Your parents are so great, giving you all those wonderful spices.
I'm looking forward to seeing your first cupcake post!
BTW - The stuffed Thanksgiving squash looks delectable!
Wow, what great gifts - I'm so jealous over the spice grinder. I asked for a coffee grinder for Christmas just for my spices. I guess I didn't know there was once specifically for spices.
Great loot!
Hi Richard and Teddy!
Neat blog. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season!
Mark (that philosophy professor at SDSU)
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