I got home yesterday and I did NOTHING but sleep- literally. I was out from 3pm to 7am this morning and I'm STILL a little pooped.
THANK YOU RICHARD- isn't he too cute?? I couldn't go online at and coming home to that last post was too cute ;)
Speaking of cute things, I'm posting the pictures of some of the animals I saw in NY:
Starting with
The Giraffe (okay okay it was just a statue at a restaurant we went to but I liked it!)

He's a little stallion which means they had to keep him away from his Dad because the male horse would have killed him. How could you hurt something so cute?!

This is Emily (my 16 year old cousin- 16 and a HALF) and FUDGE (a new kitten that was barely old enough to take home). The kitten isn't Emily's but she sure loved it. Em doesn't need any more animals though- she has 2 goats, 2 cats, 3 dogs, a bunch of fish and a FROG that lives under her front porch. Phew that's a LOT.

I'm holding Paddy O'Brien in this picture. HE is a Pug, Cocker Spaniel mix. If you can't tell by the look on my face, he just gave me a BIG FAT KISS on the mouth hahaha. Oh and all those people, they're my cousins. Paddy is as big as he'll ever be and he's one of Emily's (and Kathrin's- the blonde next to me) 3 dogs. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of their dogs or goats or cats and I wish I would have.
My cousins got Paddy and a German Sheppard (Della) at the same time. Now Della is 6 months old and TOWERS over Paddy- but that doesn't scare him at all, they still wrestle all the time :)
Animals I didn't get a picture of:
A Black Bear that ran across the road we were driving on
All the Deer I saw (about 6 or so while driving around-they were in the fields munching)
The Fox that stops by my grandma house (she was very scared)
The flocks of Canadian Geese I saw.
I had a great time. I'll be posting more on the FOOD later :).
I did get my grandma's recipe for dutch pie. It's not vegan, I'm going to see what I can do to change that though and start a NEW family tradition!
Talk with you soon
welcome back... it sure looks like you came back to someone who missed you!
Hasn't Mutual of Omaha filmed up there? [You're porbably too young to get that one ;) ]
Sounds like you had a fab time. Welcome back.
GREAT photos, Teddy. Wonderful animals, even that colourful giraffe that isn't "real." Lovely horses and cute kitty!!!
Welcome back! Hope you had a fantastic trip....
That cocker mix (you know i can't resist a cocker spaniel!) must be a handful --- and he looks totally adorable!!
Beautiful pictures!! Sounds like a wonderful trip!! And, I have to admit, if I were your grandma and a fox (unless he was rich and single) was coming by to see me, I'd be scared too. :)
Hi Teddy! Just found your blog and enjoyed reading through it. How funny you live in Costa Mesa. My husband and I just moved from Irvine to Tennessee in February. Nice to meet you! - Crystal
Welcome back. Cool pics and a new recipe to play around with...how fun!
Hi there! Welcome back! Great pictures. I have been meaning to post a few but I haven’t taken them off my camera yet! I posted two short entries today with more to come later.
That is the neatest giraffe!
Wow - looks like you got some much needed rest from a busy vacation.
welcome back!! i love those photos of the horses.
well we're glad to have you home. and i'm glad you had a wonderful time too...we missed you!!!!
Welcome home Teddy! You were missed, that's for sure.
Huggs, G
Dont forget Milo and Otis!
Welcome home! That last post from Richard was way too cute. I love cute couples. Great pictures, sounds like you had a fun time. I love baby horsies, they’re all gangly legged and fuzzy. Good luck with the apple pie recipe.
hey Teddy, welcome back! Can't wait to hear about the food from your trip!
hey welcome back!! seems like u had a fun and exciting trip.. and as melo, shan metion.. there was someone definitely missing u.. that was such a coooool post by richard!!
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