1 cup Quinoa
1 tomato
1 avocado
1/2 can red kidney beans
1/2 a lemon
Basil (I have frozen cubes of from Trader Joes- I used 3 cubes and I'm going to guess-timate that is about the same as one large handful of fresh basil)
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is an extra simple recipe. Practically no cooking involved if you do it the way I did. I cook my quinoa in a rice maker (it's exactly the same as if you were cooking rice).
While the quinoa does it's thing, prepare the dressing.
If you do not have the cubes of basil I suggest using a food processor to make the dressing.
In the food processor combine the juice of 1/2 a lemon with some chopped basil (or 3 of your basil cubes- put in the mircowave for about 20 seconds to melt them). With the processor still on, slowly pour in the oil. If using cubes of basil, simply stir in the oil slowly with a fork.
Chop up your tomato and avocado into bite sized pieces.
Add the tomato and the dressing to your quinoa (I put it directly into the rice maker.) Stir to make sure every bit of quinoa gets dressing. Add the avocado last (they turn mushy if you try to stir them too much).
Now enjoy
and it was yummy!
pretty quinoa salad ~ thanks for posting the recipe. also, great grapefruit lesson ~ having fun with your food! awesome. :)
Mm..yes. that looks simple, delicious and non-heartburny!
How simple, but how tasty sounding. Isn't there a quinoa contest going on somewhere? You should enter this recipe.
I liked your grapefruit peeling demo. I'm not as expert at it as you are. I sometimes need help with a knife.
This recipie looks delish and so easy!
I am certainly going to try it after my return from my business trip!
Thank you Teddy!
I didn't know you could cook quinoa in a rice cooker. GREAT info. The food looks fab, too, Teddy! Nice of you to share the recipe. :o)
Yum!! fresh basil makes everything delicious... pair it with avocado... fabulous!
mmmmm...avocado! That dish looks so light and refreshing!
Oh my!!! That is one of the most creative dishes I've seen in a while!! I have an avocado that is extremely ripe.... Hmmm, I might have a meal for tomorrow!!
Quinoa is so good - and good for you! And I love avocados. I'll definitely have to try this some time.
Yum, I'm definitely going to try this recipe. Thanks!
Delicious! I have a recipe that's similar, and now I'm craving it!
The avocado junks make this dish so tempting!!!! And beans are one of my favourite food! Great idea!
I come from Dori's Blog, wher I learned we can cook quinoa in a rice cooker. You do it too. This sounds very interesting. A lovely salad.
Looks great, avacdo and quinoa, what a healthy combo.
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